GURGAON: The Haryana State Pollution Control Board (HSPCB) has penalized six developers between Rs 1.5 lakh and Rs 2.5 lakh each in the past 30 days due to violations of the Union ministry of environment and forest’s (MoEF) 2010 construction guidelines.
The move followed the National Green Tribunal orders on April 10, 2015, to the PCB to carry out inspections throughout NCR. The tribunal later ordered the PCB to impose a penalty of Rs 50,000 on defaulters as well as seal their projects. HSPCB till now has fined 21 developer including 6 developers fine over last month.
An official from HSPCB said the developers were found violating basic norms stipulated in the MoEF 2010 construction guidelines, such as using green barriers, wind-breaker walls around construction sites, covering of construction material and waste, and use of sprinklers at the construction sites to reduce emission of dust.
Among the 6 fined construction sites, one site is located in Sector 102 near the Dwarka expressway , two on Golf Course Road and three in sectors nearby.
While the builder in Sector 102 was fined Rs 1.5 lakh, those on Golf Course Road have paid Rs 2.5 lakh penalty each. Three other developers have also paid penalties of Rs 1 lakh to Rs 1.5 lakh each, the official said.
HSPCB has been inspecting 8 to 10 construction sites per week since the NGT directive. “We are re-inspecting some sites as well to ensure that developers don’t stop following construction norms,” an official of HSPCB stated.
HSPCB also warned all developers to starting following MoEF construction norms immediately. Additionally, the pollution board will also write to the regional transport authority to check and crackdown on vehicles carrying construction material without covers. “Though the court notice was sent to all departments, we are getting complaints of vehicles carrying construction material without cover. We have, therefore, decided to report it to RTA,” said the official.
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