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Thursday 8 July 2021

मोदी के मंत्रिमंडल में अब कौन-किस विभाग का मंत्री, यहां देखें पूरी लिस्ट

 प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी की मंत्रीपरिषद का आकार अब बड़ा हो गया है। केंद्रीय मंत्रीपरिषद में बुधवार को विस्तार और फेरबदल किया गया। इसमें 36 नए चेहरों को शामिल किया गया है जबकि सात वर्तमान राज्यमंत्रियों को प्रमोट कर मंत्रिमंडल में शामिल किया गया। आठ नए चेहरों को भी कैबिनेट मंत्री का दर्जा दिया गया। राष्ट्रपति रामनाथ कोविंद ने राष्ट्रपति भवन के दरबार हॉल में आयोजित एक समारोह में मंत्रिपरिषद में शामिल किए गए सभी 43 सदस्यों को पद व गोपनीयता की शपथ दिलाई। इन सभी मंत्रियों के विभागों का बंटवारा भी कर दिया गया है। तो चलिए मंत्री और मंत्रालयों की जानकारी लेकर अपना सामान्य ज्ञान बढ़ाते हैं।

नरेंद्र मोदी : कार्मिक, जन शिकायत और पेंशन मंत्रालय, परमाणु ऊर्जा विभाग, अंतरिक्ष विभाग। सभी महत्‍वपूर्ण नीतिगत मुद्दे तथा वे सभी विभाग, जो किसी मंत्री को आवंटित नहीं किए गए हैं।

कैबिनेट मंत्री
1 राजनाथ सिंह : रक्षा मंत्रालय
2 अमित शाह : गृहमंत्रालय, सहकारिता मंत्रालय
3 नितिन गडकरी : सड़क परिवहन एवं राजमार्ग (एमएसएमई मंत्रालय हटाया गया)
4 निर्मला सीतारमण : वित्‍त मंत्री और कॉर्पोरेट मामलों के मंत्री
5 नरेंद्र सिंह तोमर : कृषि एवं किसान कल्‍याण मंत्री
6 एस जयशंकर : विदेश मंत्री
7 अर्जुन मुंडा : जनजातीय मामलों के मंत्री
8 स्मृति ईरानी : महिला एव बाल विकास मंत्रालय
9. पीयूष गोयल : वाणिज्य और उद्योग मंत्री, उपभोक्ता मामले, खाद्य और सार्वजनिक वितरण मंत्री और कपड़ा मंत्री
10. धर्मेंद्र प्रधान : शिक्षा मंत्री, कौशल विकास और उद्यमिता मंत्री
11. प्रल्हाद जोशी : संसदीय कार्य मंत्री, कोयला मंत्री, और खान मंत्री
12. नारायण तातू राणे : सूक्ष्म, लघु और मध्यम उद्यम मंत्री
13. सर्बानंद सोनोवाल - बंदरगाह, जहाजरानी और जलमार्ग मंत्री, आयुष मंत्री
14. मुख्तार अब्बास नकवी : अल्पसंख्यक मामलों के मंत्री
15. वीरेंद्र कुमार : सामाजिक न्याय और अधिकारिता मंत्री
16. गिरिराज सिंह - ग्रामीण विकास मंत्री, और पंचायती राज मंत्री
17. ज्योतिरादित्य एम. सिंधिया : नागरिक उड्डयन मंत्री
18. रामचंद्र प्रसाद सिंह : इस्पात मंत्री
19. अश्विनी वैष्णव : रेल मंत्री, संचार मंत्री, और इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स-सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्री
20. पशुपति कुमार पारस : खाद्य प्रसंस्करण, उद्योग मंत्री
21. गजेन्द्र सिंह शेखावत : जल शक्ति मंत्री
22. किरण रिजिजू : कानून और न्याय मंत्री
23. राज कुमार सिंह : विद्युत मंत्री, और ऊर्जा मंत्री
24. हरदीप सिंह पुरी : पेट्रोलियम और प्राकृतिक गैस मंत्री, और आवास और शहरी मामलों के मंत्री
25. मनसुख मंडाविया : स्वास्थ्य और परिवार कल्याण मंत्री, और रसायन और उर्वरक मंत्री
26. भूपेंद्र यादव : पर्यावरण, वन और जलवायु परिवर्तन मंत्री, और श्रम और रोजगार मंत्री
27. महेंद्र नाथ पाण्डेय : भारी उद्योग मंत्री
28. पुरुषोत्तम रूपाला : मत्स्य पालन, पशुपालन और डेयरी मंत्री
29. जी. किशन रेड्डी : संस्कृति मंत्री, पर्यटन मंत्री, और पूर्वोत्तर क्षेत्र के विकास मंत्री
30. अनुराग सिंह ठाकुर : सूचना और प्रसारण मंत्री, और युवा मामले और खेल मंत्री

राज्य मंत्री (स्वतंत्र प्रभार)
1. राव इंद्रजीत सिंह : सांख्यिकी और कार्यक्रम कार्यान्वयन मंत्रालय के राज्य मंत्री (स्वतंत्र प्रभार), योजना मंत्रालय के राज्य मंत्री (स्वतंत्र प्रभार), और कॉर्पोरेट मामलों के मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
2. डॉ. जितेंद्र सिंह : विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्रालय के राज्य मंत्री (स्वतंत्र प्रभार), पृथ्वी विज्ञान मंत्रालय के राज्य मंत्री (स्वतंत्र प्रभार), प्रधान मंत्री कार्यालय में राज्य मंत्री, कार्मिक, लोक शिकायत और पेंशन मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, परमाणु ऊर्जा विभाग में राज्य मंत्री; तथा अंतरिक्ष विभाग में राज्य मंत्री

राज्य मंत्री
1. श्रीपद येसो नाइक : बंदरगाह, जहाजरानी और जलमार्ग मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री और पर्यटन मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
2. फग्गनसिंह कुलस्ते : इस्पात मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और ग्रामीण विकास मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
3. प्रहलाद सिंह पटेल : जल शक्ति मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और खाद्य प्रसंस्करण उद्योग मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
4. अश्विनी कुमार चौबे : उपभोक्ता मामले, खाद्य और सार्वजनिक वितरण मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और पर्यावरण, वन और जलवायु परिवर्तन मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
5. अर्जुन राम मेघवाल : संसदीय कार्य मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और संस्कृति मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
6. जनरल (सेवानिवृत्त) वी. के. सिंह : सड़क परिवहन और राजमार्ग मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और नागरिक उड्डयन मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
7. कृष्ण पाल : विद्युत मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और भारी उद्योग मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
8. दानवे रावसाहेब दादाराव : रेल मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, कोयला मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और खान मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
9. रामदास अठावले : सामाजिक न्याय और अधिकारिता मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
10. साध्वी निरंजन ज्योति : उपभोक्ता मामले, खाद्य और सार्वजनिक वितरण मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और ग्रामीण विकास मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
11. डॉ. संजीव कुमार बाल्यान : मत्स्य पालन, पशुपालन और डेयरी मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
12. नित्यानंद राय : गृह मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
13. पंकज चौधरी : वित्त मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
14. अनुप्रिया सिंह पटेल : वाणिज्य एवं उद्योग मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
15. एस. पी. सिंह बघेल : कानून और न्याय मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
16. राजीव चंद्रशेखर : कौशल विकास और उद्यमिता मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स और सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
17. शोभा करंदलाजे : कृषि और किसान कल्याण मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
18. भानु प्रताप सिंह वर्मा : सूक्ष्म, लघु और मध्यम उद्यम मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
19. दर्शना विक्रम जरदोश : कपड़ा मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और रेल मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
20. वी. मुरलीधरन : विदेश मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और संसदीय कार्य मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
21. मीनाक्षी लेखी : विदेश मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और संस्कृति मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
22. सोम प्रकाश : वाणिज्य और उद्योग मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
23. रेणुका सिंह सरुता : जनजातीय मामलों के मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
24. रामेश्वर तेली : पेट्रोलियम और प्राकृतिक गैस मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और श्रम और रोजगार मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
25. कैलाश चौधरी : कृषि और किसान कल्याण मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
26. अन्नपूर्णा देवी : शिक्षा मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
27. ए. नारायणस्वामी : सामाजिक न्याय और अधिकारिता मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
28. कौशल किशोर : आवास और शहरी मामलों के मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
29. अजय भट्ट : रक्षा मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और पर्यटन मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
30. बी एल वर्मा : उत्तर पूर्वी क्षेत्र के विकास मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और सहकारिता मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
31. अजय कुमार : गृह मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
32. देवुसिंह चौहान : संचार मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
33. भगवंत खुबा : नवीन और नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और रसायन और उर्वरक मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
34 : कपिल मोरेश्वर पाटिल : पंचायती राज मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
35. प्रतिमा भौमिक : सामाजिक न्याय और अधिकारिता मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
36. डॉ. सुभाष सरकार : शिक्षा मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
37. डॉ. भागवत किशनराव कराड : वित्त मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
38. डॉ. राजकुमार रंजन सिंह : विदेश मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और शिक्षा मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
39. डॉ. भारती प्रवीण पवार : स्वास्थ्य और परिवार कल्याण मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
40. बिश्वेश्वर टुडू : जनजातीय मामलों के मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और जल शक्ति मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
41. शांतनु ठाकुर : बंदरगाह, जहाजरानी और जलमार्ग मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
42. डॉ. मुंजापारा महेंद्रभाई : महिला एवं बाल विकास मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और आयुष मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
43. जॉन बारला : अल्पसंख्यक मामलों के मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
44. डॉ. एल. मुरुगन : मत्स्य पालन, पशुपालन और डेयरी मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और सूचना और प्रसारण मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री
45. निसिथ प्रमाणिक : गृह मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री, और युवा मामले और खेल मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री

Source - https://www.livehindustan.com/national/story-modi-cabinet-reshuffle-2021-cabinet-modi-cabinet-expansion-2021-full-list-of-ministers-india-hindi-news-4199686.html 

Tuesday 22 October 2019

How to Check the Construction Quality of Your Home

Living in an unsafe building is not what you would ever want to do. So, it is sensible to be on the safe side and do a quality check on the house you are planning to buy or have already bought.

If you are a little careful you will be able to notice things which tell you about the construction quality of a building. However, if you are not able to notice anything you still need to ensure that the house you are buying is newly constructed.

There should not be any seepage or peeling plaster from the ceiling or walls. You also need to check the elevators, fire system and if the building is earthquake resistant. Soil testing is done before the construction begins so you can ask for a copy of the test from your developer.

RERA and structural defect liability

Section 14 of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016, clearly lays down that it is the promoter’s responsibility to rectify any structural defect within a period of five years.

“A buyer can check the construction quality by looking at the paint and plastering on the walls, installation of tiles on the floors and walls, water fixtures, sanitary installations, doors and windows etc. He should check all these things before buying. Even if he has already bought the property, he can bring it to the builder’s notice,” says Praveen Jain, Vice Chairman, Naredco.

Here is a checklist for home buyers:

  1.        Check the quality of the building material
  2.        Good construction ensures the safety of a building
  3.        Construction should be checked at the time of booking
  4.        Get the wet areas checked like bathroom, kitchen etc
  5.        Check for leakages and patches on walls
  6.        If a nail does not enter a wall easily that means its good
  7.        Check the slopes of floors so water flows into drains
  8.        Rub the plaster from the walls to assess quality

A building should be built using good quality construction material for its sustainability and protection against damage due to water seepage.

Dr. PR Swarup, director general, Construction Industry Development Council (CIDC) explains, “You do not get oven fresh units even in new buildings because by the time you get possession it is already old. Rusting sets in faster if the building is old, which is a dangerous thing for the structure. Just like a human body, the structure’s health should be diagnosed. If the construction is poor even a new building can collapse but where construction quality is good, then even old buildings can have a long life.”

Swarup further says “If a construction is ten years old the structure has already completed one third of its life. Check the previous projects by the builder for construction quality assessment that is the easiest thing that can be done as a buyer. Check for leakages on the exterior or interior areas. When you do a physical or visual inspection, you get some idea about the construction quality of the project.”

Apart from this, you also need to be aware of the nearby construction activities which may damage your building. Corrective measures can be taken on time to avoid future problems. It is important to ensure that wet areas do not have any seepage, leakages or water flowing into walls. Ignoring these signs may weaken your building’s quality and sustainability.

Saturday 21 September 2019

Designer Lighting ideas for Your Dream Home

Your home is the sweet heaven for you where you come after a long day of hard work to spend some quality time with your lovely family.
However, you can make your home more relaxing and mesmerizing by playing with the different lighting options. By using designer lighting options in your home, you can create a luxurious home that you won’t ever want to leave.

So, if you want to tweak with the lighting of your home, then we some designer lighting ideas for your home which will completely turn out the appearance of your dream home.

        Use High Eye-Catchy Ceiling Lights

You can add bold ceiling lighting fixtures to attract the attention upwards and create more open space. The large hanging lights can create an illuminating and dramatic effect in your home and they will trick the eyes into believing that space is much larger.

But, it doesn’t mean that you should ignore the other lighting fixtures of the room because ceiling lights can brighten up the entire space only when they supported by other lighting sources. Single lighting won’t bring the right brightness to your home.

     Use Scones and Overhead Lighting

When you are selecting the lighting for your washroom, then you can use scones and overhead lighting options. This will be a very good designer lighting idea for your home washrooms or room with small space as overhead lighting with scones will bring natural lighting to your place.
This will create the open and inviting look as bright lights will make the place look smaller.

 Pick a Perfect Lampshade

The lampshades aren’t only decorative accents, they are a major source of lighting as well. So, you have to put some thoughts into selecting the right lampshade at your home.

The lighter lampshades will create a darker environment whereas darker shades will make the room bright and shiny. You need to make sure your lighting goals before selecting the lampshades.

Plus, you have to consider the area of your room before picking the lampshades as these days different types of lampshades are available.

     Think About the Intensity of the Lights

You have to think about the intensity of lighting fixtures before purchasing them. Like, if you are looking for the lights for your study room, then you should use blue lights as they suppress the melatonin which promotes sleep.
This way you can work activity. However, if you are looking for the soft and cozy lighting for your bedroom, then you can use incandescent light bulbs as they are lower on the Kelvin scale.

     Use Task Lighting

When choosing light fixtures, it's important to not only consider the overall brightness in the room but also to think about the areas of your home where you'll need focused light for a task, like reading at a desk.
You should add task lighting in the kitchen counter where you are going to perform the task of chopping or cooking. By putting the lighting under the kitchen cabinets, you will be able to see better while working in the kitchen.

You can design your home in multiple different ways by tweaking with the various designer lighting options. You just have to pick the perfect designer lighting ideas for your home and you will be able to bring the right ambiance to your space.

Friday 20 September 2019

UP-RERA to Auction Unsold Flats of Defaulting Builders to Refund Buyers


In a major relief to lakhs of aggrieved buyers who are forced to wait for possession of their homes for years, the Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority (UP-RERA) has decided to auction unsold flats of defaulting builders to pay back investors seeking refund in delayed housing projects.
While RERA benches have taken several steps against defaulting builders across the country, this is perhaps the first time that such a move has been announced in India under the new real estate law.
Officials said UP-RERA will soon float a portal for the global e-auction of unsold properties of cash-strapped builders who have been issued recovery notes. A recovery note is a notice sent by Rera that seeks a refund of money owed by homebuyers.

“When a buyer approaches UP-RERA to seek a refund on their investment, we issue an order for a refund and the district administration is sent a recovery note to collect the money from the defaulting builder. But because most of the builders are cash-strapped, the notes are not honoured,” Balwinder Kumar, member of UP-RERA, told TOI.

“None of the 660 recovery notes sent to the builders through the district administration in Gautam Budh Nagar has been honoured by the defaulters. So, we have now decided to auction unsold inventories of such builders to return the money to the aggrieved buyers stuck in delayed projects, should they want it back,” he added. With this move, all builders against whom buyers have moved UP-RERA stand to lose their unsold inventory for refunding buyers who want to exit the delayed projects.

“There are two kinds of refunds — one where a builder has not been able to deliver the flat and the buyer wants to exit the project. The other one is where the builder has promised penalties for delay but has not paid any late fine to buyers. In both the cases, the money accrued from the auction will be used,” Kumar said.

Homebuyers have welcomed the decision by UP-RERA. “This would prove hugely beneficial for such buyers who do not want to stay invested in a delayed project,” said Abhishek Kumar, president, Noida Extension Flat Owners Welfare Association (Nefowa).

However, lawyer Kumar Mihir said, “Though UP-RERA has full authority to initiate such an auction, the auction of these unsold flats will only be successful if the reserved price is lower than the market price listed by the builder.”
“Secondly, the auction method can destabilise the market prices of apartments in the vicinity and the builders may object to this order. The reserve price can only be set after UP-RERA appoints a valuer for these unsold inventories. Anyway, the auction will not affect banks as banks fund full projects and buyers get bank loans for individual units.”

Thursday 19 September 2019

Over 80 CWG flats to be sold by DDA to PSUs at lower rates

DDA Flats

NEW DELHI: With Delhi Development Authority (DDA) unable to sell 84 flats at Commonwealth Games Village, government bodies and PSUs will now be able to purchase them at concessional rates.
In a meeting chaired by lieutenant governor Anil Baijal, the authority on Tuesday approved 20% concession on the current rate of Rs 2.8 lakh per square metre for disposal of 84 CWG flats to government bodies, PSUs and central/state corporations.
"The revised rate for the flats is Rs 2.2 lakh per square metre for 2019-20. In addition to this reserved price, the conversion charges of Rs 1,130 per square metre and cost of two car parking lots of Rs 7 lakh per car parking are also chargeable," he said.
DDA has been unable to sell these flats in earlier auctions held in 2012 and 2015 due to high reserve price. The flats were originally built to accommodate foreign athletes arriving in Delhi for 2010 Commonwealth Games.
A proposal to auction plots for socio-cultural and religious purposes instead of direct allotment was also made.
The maximum size of the plot will be 1,000 square metres for the socio-cultural category, while it is 400 square metre for the religious category.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Government announces steps to boost housing, facilitate homebuyers

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman

The government on Saturday announced a Rs 10,000 crore special window to provide last-mile funding for completion of ongoing housing projects which are not NPAs or facing bankruptcy proceedings under NCLT.
Announcing the measure, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the government will contribute Rs 10,000 crore for the special window and roughly the same amount is expected from outside investors. This window will help in completion of affordable and middle income housing projects. The fund will be managed by professionals, the Minister added.
Sitharaman also said the interest rate on housing building advance will be lowered and linked to the 10-year G-sec yields. “Government servants contribute to a major component of demand for houses. This will encourage more government servants to buy new houses,” she said.
External commercial borrowing (ECB) guidelines will also be relaxed to help housing developers obtain overseas funds. ECB guidelines will be relaxed to facilitate financing of homebuyers who are eligible under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna, in consultation with the central bank.

Source By - https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/real-estate/government-announces-steps-to-boost-housing-facilitate-homebuyers/article29416835.ece

Friday 1 September 2017

These 7 Pointers Can Make the Affordable Housing Dream a Reality

Affordable Housing
Large-scale affordable housing in cities is the greatest necessity of urban India today. Because Indian cities have such a severe shortfall on this front, we are seeing the proliferation of slums and unorganized real estate. These are detrimental to planned growth of our cities. Large-scale urban developments - the only way to create affordable housing in the required magnitude in our major cities - are becoming increasingly difficult due to lack of land parcels, congested transit routes, lack of finance, rising input costs and regulatory hurdles. On analysing the bottlenecks that currently hold affordable housing in India to ransom, it emerges that any approach towards a workable solution will have to encompass at least seven important functions. These are:

1. Formulate guidelines for identifying right beneficiaries:
It is important to formulate guidelines that will identify the appropriate beneficiaries for affordable housing projects. This is critical, as the involvement of speculative investors in such projects defeats to whole purpose. The National Population Register and issuance of unique identities via the Unique Identification Authority of India will become crucial elements in identifying the right beneficiaries if they are linked with income levels.

2. Innovate on micro-mortgage financing mechanisms to ensure a larger reach:
Effective financing through micro-mortgages by utilising the reach of self-help groups (SHGs) and other innovative financing mechanisms can ensure that housing finance is available to large sections of lower income groups (LIG) and economically weaker sections (EWS). Flexible payment mechanisms should be put into place, as households in low-income groups typically have variable income flows.

3. Incentivise developers to enter affordable housing segment:
Urban local bodies can develop guidelines by giving free sale areas, extra floor space index (FSI) and other policy-level incentives to real estate developers, thereby attracting them to develop affordable housing. Schemes for redevelopment and slum rehabilitation should be developed with incentives that generate sufficient returns for the developers, while simultaneously controlling the development density. A cost-benefit analysis of regulations should be carried out from a development perspective to ensure that schemes to facilitate affordable housing development are actually realistic and feasible.

4. Streamline land records to improve planning and utilisation of land:
Adequate availability of land for housing and infrastructure can be ensured by computerisation of land records, use of geographical information systems, efficient dispute redressal mechanisms and implementation of master plans. The central government and some state governments have already begun work on this front, but there is still a lack of required pace.

5. Include mass housing zones in city master plans:
Additionally, ensure that these zones are developed within a pre-determined schedule, accounting for the future requirement of affordable housing. Some cities have already dedicated zones for development of affordable housing in their master plans. This needs to be replicated in other cities and towns - with a sharp focus on development timelines.

6. Deploy well-researched rental housing schemes in urban areas:
Authorities like the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) have experimented with rental housing schemes in the past. However, these have not been very successful as a proper framework for such schemes was missing. The most visible limitations were that development of rental housing took place in far-flung areas which are not suitable for affordable housing, and the lack viable means to identify the right end-users.

7. Formulate policies for greater participation from private sector:
The private sector can play a big role in affordable housing, most notably in terms of providing technological solutions, project financing and delivery. Disruptive innovations on these fronts, with a specific focus on affordable housing, are the need of the hour. We need imaginative, workable solutions to reduce the costs of construction in the face of rising input costs. As construction costs account for a significant portion of the selling price of affordable housing units, savings accrued on the back of such innovations can immensely benefit the occupier. It bears mentioning that none of these solutions will work well in isolation. Given the complexity of the affordable housing conundrum in India, only a multi-pronged approach with equal weightage given to each element can hope to break the deadlock. The Housing for All by 2022 is indeed a workable vision if a determined and focused effort based on these solutions is employed - and it will definitely yield the desired results.

Thursday 24 August 2017

Important Legal Documents That Home Buyers Should be Aware of Before Buying a Property

Important Legal DocumentsBuying real estate property can be an expensive affair and it is next to impossible to buy a house without financial assistance. It is therefore necessary to take precautions and ensure that the hard earned money invested into such property is not only safe but secured to the fullest extent. This highlights the need for a proper due diligence. Also, a purchaser needs to be aware of the following the basic legal documents before purchasing an immovable property:

1. Original Title Documents
The title documents means the flow of title devolution from one owner to another and culminating with the current owner/ seller who is selling the property. In case the original title documents are not with the seller, then there are chances that the title documents are deposited with the banks/ financial institution for the purpose of creation of mortgage and the same also needs to be verified by the purchaser.

2. Search Report
The title search report is usually issued by the search clerk after conducting searches in the offices of the concerned sub-registrar of assurances, to verify the entries on record in relation to the subject property, and by virtue of that, one can trace of the flow/ devolution of title as mentioned aforesaid. Additionally, the search clerk also reports, as to whether there is any Lis Pendens (pending litigation) notice registered with the office of concerned sub-registrar of assurances.

3. Title Certificate
Title Certificate is issued by an Advocate based on the Title Search Report and the title documents verified by the Advocate in respect of the subject property. The Advocate should ideally also search in the concerned Courts as to whether any litigation is pending in relation to the subject property. Such a certificate should also cover the claims, if any received, in response to the public notice issued in the local newspapers, to be published, one in English and other in the Regional language.

4. No Due Certificate

No Due Certificate is issued by banks/ financial institution after repayment of the loan and clearance of charge/ mortgage by the banks/ financial institution, so as to rule out any claims by the Banks and to assure that the subject property is free from encumbrance.

5. Sanctioned Layout Plans
It means the layout plans of the structure, which has been duly sanctioned/ approved by the concerned competent authority including the municipal corporation. In case the subject structure is not in terms of the sanctioned layout plans, then it is not advisable to purchase such property, since it is a clear indication of violation of the sanctioned layout plans and applicable laws.

6. Occupation Certificate
The occupation certificate is issued by the corporation, certifying that the subject property/ structures constructed upto relevant floors of the building, can be occupied by the purchaser. This indicates that the developer/ erstwhile owner/ seller has constructed the structure in terms of the sanctioned layout plans and has also complied with various other building norms and obligations.

7. Bills and Receipts
Latest Property Tax bills, Electricity bills, maintenance bills together with the paid receipts should be verified, since the same clarifies about the arrears, if any, in relation to the subject property.

8. For Purchase of Land
In case of purchase of land, in addition to some of the above mentioned documents, one must also verify
(i) 7/12 Extracts: This document indicates the name of the owner, name of the person having other rights such as, lessee/ mortgagee, the area admeasurements and cultivation in the land, and/ or
(ii) Mutation Entries: This document records entries regarding devolution of title in relation to the subject property.